In the age of data-driven decision-making, political campaigns have evolved to harness the power of voter data to their advantage. See why the largest political campaigns, PACs, corporations and grassroots organizations across the country rely on our data to reach more voters and WIN!

Florida’s Voters and Counties

Florida's voters form a diverse and dynamic electorate that plays a pivotal role in shaping the state's political landscape. The state's voter demographics represent a microcosm of the broader United States, making it a critical battleground for political campaigns. Florida's voters encompass a wide array of backgrounds, ethnicities, and age groups, contributing to the state's reputation as a politically diverse entity.

One notable aspect of Florida's voters is their age distribution. The state is home to a significant number of retirees and seniors, drawn to its warm climate and picturesque locales. This age group often wields substantial influence in local and state politics. Simultaneously, Florida's younger generation, particularly in urban centers like Miami and Orlando, brings a more liberal and progressive perspective to the state's political discourse.

Florida's voter data reveals these age-related disparities, enabling political campaigns to craft targeted messages that resonate with specific age groups. Understanding these nuances is crucial for parties and candidates seeking to gain a competitive edge in this critical swing state.

Furthermore, Florida's voters are spread across diverse counties, each with its unique characteristics and political leanings. This county-level variation is a defining feature of Florida politics, with some counties leaning conservatively, others more liberally, and a few that are considered swing regions. This geographical diversity presents both opportunities and challenges for political campaigns, as they must tailor their strategies to accommodate the varying needs and preferences of voters in different parts of the state.

Voter Demographics in Florida

Politics of Florida reflect a state that has experienced conflict between its liberal south and its conservative north. The state has become increasingly red since the late 2010s when in 2018, Republicans captured both Senate seats in the state for the first time since Reconstruction. Since 1928, the state has only voted for the losing presidential candidate three times.

  • Age Distribution: Florida is often referred to as the "Sunshine State," and it's also known for its sizable retiree population. This age group, primarily consisting of seniors and retirees, plays a significant role in the state's politics. Many retirees are drawn to Florida's warm climate and attractive retirement communities. However, the state also boasts a growing younger population, especially in metropolitan areas like Miami, Tampa, and Orlando. This younger generation contributes to the state's political diversity, often leaning more progressive.
  • Ethnic and Racial Diversity: Florida is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities. The state has a substantial Hispanic population, including Cuban-Americans in Miami, Puerto Ricans in Central Florida, and a mix of other Latinx communities. African-Americans, both native-born and from the Caribbean, also play a crucial role in the state's demographics. Additionally, Florida is home to a diverse range of immigrant communities, contributing to the state's cultural richness.
  • Party Affiliations: Florida is renowned for its political swing state status. The state is not dominated by one party, and the voter demographics reflect this balance. There is a significant number of registered Democrats and Republicans, but a substantial portion of voters identifies as independent or with third parties. This diversity in party affiliations makes Florida a hotly contested battleground during elections.
  • Geographical Disparities: Florida's voter demographics vary significantly from region to region. The state is composed of diverse counties, each with its own unique political leanings. Some counties lean conservatively, while others are more liberal, and several are considered swing regions, where the outcome of elections can be unpredictable.

Voter Data Goldmine in Florida

The heart of any political campaign lies in understanding the voters and your ability to reach more of them than opposing parties and candidate. We offer the LARGEST Florida voter database on the market and provide a treasure trove of insights that can significantly influence campaign strategies and outcomes.

Demographic Diversity in Florida

Voter data reveals valuable insights into the demographics, allowing political campaigns to tailor their messages effectively. With dozens of demographic and voter history insight to choose from you can ensure that you are reaching the right voters.

We offer information on the types of voters as well, including democratic, republican, absentee, 1st time voters, party flippers, and new Florida voters. Our information is updated daily, with millions of daily updates. Voter mailing lists are triple-verified and enhanced for accuracy and deliverability.

Issues Data

Using precise issue data, campaigns can target specific type of voters that are concerned about pressing issues. Personal for each voter, using data you can find out which pressing and controversial topics voters are concerned with, including economy, education, taxes, environment, healthcare, COVID-19, military, activism, and more.

Digital Voter Target

Using our digital identity graph, your campaign can reach more existing voters and help you reach new ones too. Let us help you boost the success of your outreach campaigns. Our digital ID graph consists of:

  • Over 500 million mobile ad IDs
  • 4.1 Billion current and historical MAID/hashed pairs
  • 1 Billion privacy compliant emails
  • Millions of daily updates
  • Up to 10 digital identifiers per voters

Competitive Advantage

In today's fiercely competitive political landscape, having access to the right data can be a game-changer. It provides a competitive edge, enabling campaigns to stay one step ahead of their rivals.

In an era where data reigns supreme, political campaigns in Florida and beyond are turning to voter data to drive their strategies. The ability to reach more voters and segment based on the issues that are most important to them this election cycle is the difference between your candidate winning or losing.

Largest Florida Database

Millions of Daily Updates

Accurate & Verified Data

Best Price Guarantee

Mailing List FAQ's

Yes all of the records you received will have undergone CASS certification so not only will your mail get delivered but will also qualify for the maximum postal savings available based on your selections.

Yes and we will provide certification upon request that you can provide to your mailing company.

Our datasets cover up to 266 million United States consumers in 120 million households